We often get asked why we enjoy working with charities, non-profits, and associations so much. The answer is very simple… Because helping them makes us feel good. Back in 2012 as part of a strategic planning process we decided to make charities and non-profits one of three key verticals. And the simple truth is that at the end of a day working with charities we feel like we’ve accomplished something positive. In fact, we even made that part of our 10 year vision statement… That by December 31st of 2031, we will have made the world a better place by helping those who help, champion, or support others. They are the stars, and we will work to be the best possible supporting cast for 250 charities, associations, and nonprofit groups.

So for any charity, nonprofit, or association in Greater Vancouver, the CRD, the Mid-Island area, the Fraser Valley, or in fact anywhere in BC or even anywhere in Canada… you have an ally. We’ll provide the tools so that you can do what you do best, which is to make the world a better place. We’ll do what we do best, which is to provide outstanding IT support that’s fair, easy to understand, and completely transparent. Because that’s The Way IT Should Be Done.

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